We have updated our approach to RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) in accordance with the government guidelines as of September 2021. To better understand these changes within our primary school setting, see the guide for parents and our current policy.
The previous subject of ‘Sex and Relationships’ (SRE) is now ‘Relationships and Health Education’ and will be taught throughout the year through assemblies and lessons that are age appropriate.
Many aspects of this subject are taught within the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum. Biological aspects of SRE are taught within the science curriculum, and other aspects are included in P.E., Computing (e-safety) or other relevant areas of the curriculum such as the ‘Cooking and Nutrition’ area of Design and Technology.
RSE Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact Overview
At Rode Heath Primary School we recognise the need for teaching’ Relationships Education, Health Education and Sex Education’ (RSE). We have opted to teach much of the new content through a subject we call ‘Hearts and Minds’ which deals with the PSHE (Personal Social Health Education) aspects, as well as realising that some of the curriculum is covered through relevant subjects like Science, P.E. and Design and Technology (food and nutrition).
We see the challenges that children face are ever-changing, affected by such things as technology and the convenient access of information through the internet – some beneficial; some destructive. In this environment, children need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.
The intent of our RSE curriculum is to prepare all our children to grow up healthy, happy, safe, and able to manage the challenges and opportunities of modern Britain. The aim is to equip each child with knowledge to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships as well as preparing them for a successful adult life. Our curriculum reflects life in the 21st century, so that it is relevant for children today.
Teaching about mental wellbeing is central to these subjects, especially as a priority is children’s happiness. We know that children and young people are increasingly experiencing challenges, and that young people are at particular risk of feeling lonely. Our RSE will give them the knowledge and capability to take care of themselves and receive support if problems arise.
At Rode Heath Primary School, we have opted to teach the Relationships Education and Health Education aspect of RSE (not the Relationships and Sex Education aspect of the subject – as we feel the relevant aspects of this for our school children such as understanding growth and puberty are covered sufficiently in other curriculum areas such as Science etc).
Relationships Education and Health Education forms part of our Rode Heath Hearts and Minds curriculum (incorporating: Equality and Diversity, RSE, safeguarding, anti-bullying, mental wellbeing, British Values and PSHE. Furthermore, Biological aspects of SRE are taught within the science curriculum, and other aspects are included in P.E., Computing - e-safety or other relevant areas of the curriculum such as the ‘Cooking and Nutrition’ area of Design and Technology).
Some of the resources we utilise are:‘MyHappyMind’ ( understanding our minds and managing our mental health; ‘No Outsiders’ ( to explore themes of equality and diversity; Eaware ( for E-safety; and ‘The Christopher Winter Project’ ( to aid teaching some aspects of health, such as keeping clean and puberty, and relationships, such as respectful relationships and keeping safe.
Due to the nature of this subject, it is not appropriate to assess through formal written assessment. Consultation with a selection of children from each year group will be carried out throughout the year to ascertain their level of understanding and need.
*See our Hearts and Minds Curriculum for more specific details about what will be taught when with each year group.
We value the opinions of our families and thank those of you who took the time to take part in the survey we put out to you in June and July 2021.
As a result of your answers and comments, we have compiled a Q and A response. See the document below.