Year 1 2024 - 2025
Miss Ward
I have been teaching here at Rode Heath for 13 years now and the time has simply flown! Outside of school I enjoy walking, travelling and music, and have been known to dabble in a bit of baking (although my standards are a way off The Great British Bake Off!). Having recently moved to the countryside, I have also become the owner of the world's largest, and possibly hairiest dog, Claude.
Miss Scott
I have been teaching at Rode Heath for fourteen years now and I can't believe how fast it has gone! I am looking forward to a great year in year one and I can't wait to get to know your little people.
As the school Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), I am also responsible for collaborating with the teachers, teaching assistants and parents to support children with additional needs. It is a really special role as I have the privilege of working with children in all year groups to support them on their learning journey.
Outside of school my two young children keep me very busy. We love exploring outside, painting and dancing around the living room!
Mrs Pickford
I have been working at Rode Heath for many years, working across both KS1 and KS2. I am thrilled to be working in year1 again this year and I am looking forward to helping your little people to thrive.
Outside of school I enjoy walking, reading, horse riding and socialising with family and friends.
Welcome to Year 1
Welcome back! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas holidays. Thank you so much for all our lovely gifts, cards and well wishes! We are really looking forward to seeing all of your wonderful children again! We have lots of exciting things planned for this term and we can't wait to get started!
Our class book this half term is 'The Lion Inside' by Rachel Bright and Jim Field, and all of our English work will be linked to this story.
We will be following the Maths No Problem scheme of work for maths which begins with a real-life problem to show the children why maths is so important in their everyday lives. This scheme starts in year one and we will build on the areas covered in Reception to ensure the children have a real depth of understanding.
Of course there will be plenty of opportunities for Art, Design & Technology, Computing, Music, PE, RE, History, Geography and even some Golden Time if we can stay on the sunshine!
Alongside all of this, we are very much aware of the importance of ensuring the children are happy, safe and secure in school and to help us do this, we will be following our Hearts and Minds curriculum. More information about our Hearts and Minds curriculum and our weekly Hearts and Mind planning can be found using this link: Hearts and Minds.
In order to find year group expectations for maths, please click here, scroll down and click on the overview.
For year group expectations for English, please click here, scroll down and click on the overview.
The expectations for science and the foundation subjects can be found by selecting the relevant heading from here.
Continuing the Learning Journey...
Week Beginning: Monday 10th February 2025
- Can I puncutate sentences using a capital letter and full-stop?
- Can I join words using 'and'?
- Can I use vocabulary to compare height and length?
- Can I use non-standard units to measure height and length?
- Everyday Materials - Can I distinguish between an object and the material it is made from?
- Dance (Friday)
- The Great Fire of Nantwich - When was the great fire of Nantwich?
- Dynamics - Seaside theme
DT: Structures
- This week we will be completing a unit on making stable windmill structures.
- This half term we will be thinking about the question 'What is God's job?'.
Hearts and Minds:
- My Happy Mind - My Brain
- Please aim to read four times a week with your child and record it in their reading diary.
- Maths homework (orange book) is set on a Wednesday and should be completed by the following Monday. Week 1 maths homework will be in the orange homework books, week 2 will be on Education City.
- Phonics homework (green book) is set on a Friday and should be completed by the following Wednesday.
- Login details for Education City and Numbots are stuck in the front of your child's reading diary.
Weekly Reminders:
- Please note that our P.E. day in the Spring term will be on Fridays (Dance). Please can all children come to school wearing their P.E. kits on this day, their coloured 'house' t-shirt, shorts or jogging/tracksuit bottoms, trainers and a hoodie or zip-up jacket.
- Please ensure book bags, books and reading diaries are in school daily.
- Please send your child with a snack for morning break. Please do not send in sweets, lollies or nuts including nutella based products for snack.
- Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school everyday but please avoid putting this in bags as we've had some soggy books lately.
Key Dates:
- Return to school Monday 6th January 2025.
- Phonics Screening Week - 9th to 13th June 2025
Please email our admin staff for urgent messages or pass these to a member of the KS1 team on the door.
Alternatively, you can write a note in your child's reading diary but please remember these will be checked on a weekly basis and therefore more important messages should be sent to our admin team who will forward these on.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards,
Miss Ward and Miss Scott

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