Year 1 2023 - 2024

Miss Ward

Miss Ward

I have been teaching here at Rode Heath for 13 years now and the time has simply flown! Outside of school I enjoy walking, travelling and music, and have been known to dabble in a bit of baking (although my standards are a way off The Great British Bake Off!). Having recently moved to the countryside, I have also become the owner of the world's largest, and possibly hairiest dog, Claude.

Miss Scott

Miss Scott

I have been teaching at Rode Heath for fourteen years now and I can't believe how fast it has gone! I am looking forward to a great year in year one and I can't wait to get to know your little people.

As the school Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), I am also responsible for collaborating with the teachers, teaching assistants and parents to support children with additional needs. It is a really special role as I have the privilege of working with children in all year groups to support them on their learning journey.

Outside of school my two young children keep me very busy. We love exploring outside, painting and dancing around the living room!

Mrs Pickford

Mrs Pickford

I have been working at Rode Heath for many years, working across both KS1 and KS2. I am thrilled to be working in year1 again this year and I am looking forward to helping your little people to thrive.
Outside of school I enjoy walking, reading, horse riding and socialising with family and friends.

Welcome to Year One!

Welcome back!  We can't believe it's our last half-term in Year 1 - we've had such a lovely year with your little ones that the time has just flown!  Here's what we have lined up for the rest of the term. 

Our class book this half term is 'Goldilocks and Just One Bear' by Leigh Hodgkinson and all of our English work will be linked to this story.  We can't wait to get started!  

We will continue to follow the Maths No Problem scheme of work for maths which begins with a real-life problem to show the children why maths is so important in their everyday lives.  This scheme starts in year one and we will build on the areas covered in Reception to ensure the children have a real depth of understanding.

Of course there will be plenty of opportunities for Art, Design & Technology, Computing, Music, PE, RE, History, Geography and even some Golden Time if we can stay on the sunshine! 

Alongside all of this, we are very much aware of the importance of ensuring the children are happy, safe and secure in school and to help us do this, we will be following our Hearts and Minds curriculum.  More information about our Hearts and Minds curriculum and our weekly Hearts and Mind planning can be found using this link: Hearts and Minds.


In order to find year group expectations for maths, please click here, scroll down and click on the overview. 

For year group expectations for English, please click here, scroll down and click on the overview. 

The expectations for science and the foundation subjects can be found by selecting the relevant heading from here.

Continuing the learning journey at home... 

Week Beginning - Monday 15th July 2024




  • Can I punctuate sentences using a capital letter and full-stop?
  • Can I write exclamations and questions?


  • Can I use positional language?


  • Plants - How do plants grow? Observing seasons - summer


  • Tuesday (indoor - gymnastics)
  • Thursday (outdoor - games)


  • What is our weather like in the UK?


  • This half term we will be exploring pitch and tempo.

Art and Design:

  • Making birds : Can I complete my bird sculpture by creating tails feathers, wings and feet?


  • Scratch

Hearts and Minds:

  • My Happy Mind 


Please note that our P.E. days in the Summer term will be

                     Tuesday (indoors - gymnastics) and Thursday (outdoors - games).  Please can children come to school wearing their P.E. kits on both days.                     

 Their coloured 'house' t-shirt, jogging/tracksuit bottoms, trainers and a hoodie or zip-up jacket. 




Don't forget to visit our Think Like an Engineer website regularly to see what we're all busy doing:





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Rode Heath Primary School

Heath Avenue, Cheshire, ST7 3RY

Main Contact - Mr John Frankland

Tel: 01270 314414


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