Year 2 2024 - 2025
Miss Moss
I have been at Rode Heath for 13 years now and this is my 6th year teaching in year two. I thoroughly enjoy the challenges of year two and helping to prepare the children for their transition into KS2.
Out of school, I have two teenage boys which keep me very busy and we are enjoying getting to know our new puppy Loki and keeping him out of mischief.
I enjoy watching my boys play cricket and more recently football for my eldest. I enjoy following the Formula 1 schedule and if I do find sometime for myself I enjoy Zumba, running, catching up with friends, watching a good TV drama or curling up with a good book.
Miss Nott
I am delighted to be returning to Rode Heath Primary where I completed my teacher training. This will be my first year as a teaching assistant and I can't wait to get back to supporting the fantastic students at Rode Heath.
Outside of school, my two children keep me very busy and we love to spend as much time outdoors as we can.
I am looking forward to meeting all the wonderful characters in Year 2 this year.
Welcome to Year 2
This term we will be reading our new class text 'Troll Swap' by Leigh Hodgkinson.
Please see our curriculum map for all of the other wonderful things we have planned over the year.
At Rode Heath we follow our Maths No Problem scheme of work for maths which begins with a real-life problem to show the children why maths is so important in their everyday lives. This scheme starts in year one and we will build on the areas covered to ensure the children have a real depth of understanding.
Of course there will be plenty of opportunities for Art, Design & Technology, Computing, Music, PE, Religion & Worldviews, History & Geography.
Alongside all of this, we are very much aware of the importance of ensuring the children are happy, safe and secure in school and to help us do this, we will be following our Hearts & Minds curriculum. More information about our Hearts & Minds curriculum and our weekly planning can be found using this link: Hearts & Minds
Continuing the Learning Journey at home...
Week beginning: Monday 16th September 2024
- Write a letter in role.
- Can I use expanded noun phrases?
- Can I use subordination - because?
- Number bonds to 100
- Number patterns
- Materials
History / Geography:
- Significant Explorers
DT / Art:
- Art - 3D Sculpture & Drawing
- Artist: Yayoi Kusama
Religion & Worldviews:
- How and why do people show thanks?
- Digital Literacy
- Online Safety
Hearts & Minds:
- Why do we vote? School Council
- Online Safety - Passwords
- Call and Response
- Multi-skills with NAR Sports Coaches (Wednesdays) - outdoors - weather depending.
- Dodgeball with NAR Sports Coaches (Thursdays) - outdoors - weather depending.
Please send your child to school in their PE kit on these days. Their coloured 'house' t-shirt, school or plain jogging/tracksuit bottoms or shorts (shorts are best for gym days), trainers or pumps and a Rode Heath hoodie or plain hoodie / zip-up jacket. You may wish to send an extra water bottle on these days.
Please listen to your child read and help them to fill in their reading diaries.
Our homework cycle will begin the week commencing 16/09/2024. Phonics and Maths (Week 1 Cycle) will be sent home.
Every Friday we will send phonics homework which will consolidate the learning from that week. Maths will be on a two week cycle.
Week 1 maths will be written maths sent in the orange maths books and Week 2 activities will be set on Education City.
Log in details for Education City & Numbots/TTRS will be stuck inside your child's reading diary by the end of the first week once we've updated our system.
Weekly Reminders:
- Please sign all of the relevant pages in your child's reading diary
- Please ensure book bags, books and reading diaries are in school daily.
- Please send your child with a snack for morning break. Please no sweets, lollies or nuts including nutella based products.
- Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school everyday but please avoid putting this in bags as we've had some soggy books lately.
- Please read our class curriculum map in our files below to find out about our learning over the year.
- Please help your child to use our new maths program Numbots - log ins are stuck in your child's reading diary.
- If your child has a Nessy login and letter, please help them to use this program at home. (These will be sent home in due course.)
In order to find year group expectations for maths, please click here,scroll down and click on the overview.
For year group expectations for English, please click here,scroll down and click on the overview.
The expectations for science and the foundation subjects can be found by selecting the relevant heading from here.
Key Dates:
Wednesday 18th September - Year 2 Meet the Teacher Evening 5.30pm
Please email our admin staff for urgent messages or pass these to a member of the KS1 team on the door.
Alternatively, you can write a note in your child's reading diary but please remember these will be checked on a weekly basis and therefore more important messages should be sent to our admin team who will forward these on.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards,
Miss Moss
Don't forget to visit our Think Like an Engineer website regularly to see what we're all busy doing: