In the digital age, a high-quality computing education equips children to utilise computational thinking and creativity in order to understand and change the world.
At Rode Heath Primary School there are high expectations for all learners in computing. The computing curriculum encompasses three distinct aspects: computer science (how computers work), information technology (how IT is used) and digital literacy (how IT is used safely and effectively). The core of the computing curriculum is computer science, in which children are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming.
Building on this knowledge and understanding, children are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content.
Computing also ensures that children become digitally literate. They are able to use a range of devices to express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology - at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.
Therefore, computing enables children to be aware of: knowledge, skills and cultural capital in order to thrive and develop in a digital world. Furthermore, children are encouraged to make links to other subjects which create an interconnected curriculum. In order to achieve this, long-term curriculum plans, and a wide variety of resources are in place to ensure the effectiveness and accuracy of this subject area. Finally, the school’s values of: teamwork, resilience, fairness and curiosity are embedded in all that we do.
The national curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all children:
- can understand and apply fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation;
- can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems;
- can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems;
- are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.
Throughout the computing curriculum at Rode Heath Primary School, children are encouraged to be the best they can be, achieving high academic standards, pushing themselves to deepen their knowledge and skill set. The expectations of children across all year groups is that they should maintain a high standard of work that is the same as the core subjects. We passionately believe that all children regardless of background can reach these high standards. Pupil premium is used to ensure all children fully access the computing curriculum. We ensure up-to-date hardware and software is available to all. Inclusion is paramount; children with SEND are supported in various ways to suit their needs in order for every child to receive their full curriculum entitlement. This varies from child to child, often by support and the adaptation of resources, including digital devices. We ensure every child is challenged to fulfil their potential.
At Rode Heath Primary School we strongly believe that prior knowledge is very important. The scheme of work ensures that all lessons build on prior learning and there are many planned opportunities for analysis and evaluation of recall. This is very important in ensuring progression across the curriculum and Key Stages.
The scheme of work is continually analysed and revised to ensure that a breadth and depth of content is explored as technology changes rapidly. Declarative knowledge (‘knowing that’) and procedural knowledge (‘knowing how’) are embedded in the scheme of work. The scheme includes various resources such as: Teach Computing, BBC Bitesize, Lego WeDo, Micro:bit, eAWARE, Raspberry Pi, Scratch and Redfern Electronics.
Lessons aim to engage, inspire and challenge all pupils ensuring that all learners:
- Understand and use key vocabulary.
- Use computational thinking and creativity to solve various problems in an ever-changing way.
- Understand computer science and how computers work.
- Are equipped to express themselves via technology appropriately, so learners are active members in the digital world and future workplaces.
Learning across the school is based on the following key strands:
- Using technology responsibly and safely.
- Programming skills.
- Physical computing skills.
- Digital literacy skills, computer science and information technology.
The importance of and passion for computing should permeate throughout the school. Children should be fascinated by the creativity and benefits of computing. Learning about computing ensures that children will be well-prepared as technology continues to develop:
“Machines take me by surprise with great frequency.” Alan Turing
Learning, understanding and application is monitored via numerous strategies including: formative and summative techniques. Also, practical tasks such as: programming a component or machine to function, demonstrate learners’ understanding of a certain topic or problem. End Points are included to show where children should be at the end of their year group. The scheme of work builds on prior learning too, to ensure children are able to progress through the units effectively. Composite tasks are included at the end of each unit of work. Flashback 3 reviews ensure previous learning is remembered. Data is analysed, and books are checked to ensure there is a progression of skills.