Year 3 2023 - 2024

Mr Randall

Mr Randall

I enjoy teaching and like to offer exciting and engaging themes to help with children's learning. I am keen to involve children in P.E. activities and competitions throughout the year. I am a FA level 1 football coach and run the school football club, cross country and athletics teams.

Outside school some of my interests include playing football and running. I enjoy DIY and gardening as well as looking after my two children who always keep me on my toes!

Welcome to KS2 and Year 3.

Year 3 should be a fun place to be for you with lots of exciting projects and activities to do. From lots of P.E (including swimming) to studying rocks and crumbling, you will soon become used to KS2!  The classroom has been decorated in wonderful colours with a lively reading corner. It's actually the best classroom in the school now (well I think it is!).

This Summer Term, we will be studying lots of exciting new topics. We will continue with 'Stone Age Boy' for two weeks. We will travel 20,000 years into the past and discover what life as a caveman was like in this prehistoric picture book by a prodigiously talented artist. One day a little boy is walking along when he trips, stumbles and falls ... into the Stone Age! He meets a girl his own age and her tribe, and learns all about their way of life. He watches them make tools, clothes and weapons. He sees how they hunt, fish, cook, celebrate – and even how they paint on the walls of caves. But when a furious cave bear attacks, he wakes up back in his own time where everyone tells him it was only a dream. But was it? This book is links the non-fiction elements of history and living off the land together. It is full of exciting detail and offers a rich variety of English learning for Year 3. Later on, we will be reading 'Big Blue Whale' by Nicola Davies (ISBN 9780744578966). Find out about the largest mammal on the planet in this fun, informative, award-winning picture book, part of the Nature Storybooks series. The blue whale is the biggest animal that has ever lived on Earth. Curious young minds will love reading this sensuous exploration of what a blue whale feels, sounds and smells like, and learning facts about a whale's size, life-span, diet, babies and more. This will link in with our Animals & Humans science work as well as learning about non-fiction.

We will be continuing 'Engineering' which relates to the 'Engineering Habits of Mind' (EHoM). This will be linked with other curriculum areas thus making learning more relevant and meaningful. There will be lots of fun and exciting things to do! We might even work with year 4 on some projects!

Homework will consist of maths, English and spelling as well as reading and recording in our reading diaries and doing Times Table Rock Stars. 

I am looking forward to teaching your children this term and excited about all they have to offer.

Mr Randall

Renaissance link for reading click here

Alongside all of this, we are very much aware of the importance of ensuring the children are happy, safe and secure in school and to help us do this, we will be following our Hearts and Minds curriculum.  More information about our Hearts and Minds curriculum and our weekly Hearts and Mind planning can be found using this link: Hearts and Minds.

Continuing the learning journey at home……

In order to find year group expectations for maths, please click here, scroll down and click on the overview. 

For year group expectations for English, please click here, scroll down and click on the overview. 

The expectations for science and the foundation subjects can be found by selecting the relevant heading from here.

To access the Atom Learning homework platform, please click here. 


Monday 14th July 2024

Last Week! Please bring a bag in to take books home.

Maths: We will continue learning about pictograms.

English:  We will continue with 'Journey' and descibe the next scene.

Science: We will be studying how plants reproduce.

P.E. Monday and Tuesday we will be doing athletics and multi-skill activities. 

History: We will be studying artifacts and find out archaeology facts.

R.E: We will be learning why fire is important in different countries in relation to religion and beliefs.

Homework and spelling  - None

Wednesday afternoon, we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Hulse in our assembly

Friday we will be packing up and also saying goodbye to the Year 6 children.



Thank you


Mr Randall




Don't forget to visit our Think Like an Engineer website regularly to see what we're all busy doing:





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Rode Heath Primary School

Heath Avenue, Cheshire, ST7 3RY

Main Contact - Mr John Frankland

Tel: 01270 314414


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