
Our house system builds real team spirit throughout the school, giving everyone a chance to contribute to something "bigger" involving all year groups...

It allows older children to take on a pastoral, caring role towards their younger house members, but encourages all children to support each other, creating a strong sense of responsibility, pride, achievement and belonging.

Everyone from Reception through to Year 6 belongs to one of our four houses: Ash, Beech, Oak and Willow. Any brothers or sisters at the school will always be in the same house. Each house has a teacher who is House Leader, a house captain from Year 6 and a vice captain from Year 5; together they provide positive leadership to others in their house. 

In September, at the beginning of the new school year, the old Year 5 vice-captains become the new Year 6 captains. Anyone who has moved up into Year 5 can then put themselves forward to be the new vice-captain for their house, and their house members then vote for the candidate they would like.

House captains should:

  • be a good example to others;
  • earn house points and encourage others to do so;
  • represent the house when collecting awards;
  • be somebody who others can turn to for advice.

Our house leaders and colours are: 

House Leader
ASH Mr Randall
BEECH Mr Scott
OAK Miss Beard
WILLOW Miss Moss

Meet Our House Captains & Vice Captains

Ash House Captain - Holly Y6  

Ash Vice Captain - Zac Y5

Beech House Captain - Dylan Y6

Beech Vice Captain - Max Y5

Oak House Captain - Kate Y6

Oak Vice Captain - Leah Y5

Willow House Captain - Kayandra Y6

Willow Vice Captain - Lidiia Y5

House points (pebbles) are awarded to everyone for a variety of reasons, for example:

  • good manners;
  • polite behaviour;
  • showing a caring attitude towards others;
  • being helpful in different situations;
  • taking part and being a good team player.

On sports day the houses compete against each other to win extra house points (pebbles) too.

House points are added up each week. On a Friday morning the house captains visit each year group classroom to collect the pebbles that have been awarded to their houses throughout the week, before passing them on to Mr Frankland's office for an official count and safe-keeping overnight! In our weekly, Friday morning assembly the pebbles are added to those earned on previous weeks and, cue that drumroll again, the leader board is updated.

In November, January, March and July the winning house for the period up until then is announced and rewarded with a special treat. Each house then meets to agree what they would like to have for their reward if they are the winners next time.

(Remember that "stars" are given out for different reasons than house pebbles; they are given to reward a pupil's own work, effort and progress.)

House Points in the 2023 - 2024 School Year

Current scoreboard:

  • Ash -      points
  • Beech -     points
  • Oak -     points
  • Willow -    points

Previous winners:

  • TBC




Rode Heath Primary School

Heath Avenue, Cheshire, ST7 3RY

Main Contact - Mr John Frankland

Tel: 01270 314414


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